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"Best material, Best Technology, Best effectiveness, Best Development team"
Cha Meditech Co., Ltd. offers the best products manufactured with best technologies and raw materials by the best specialists.

At CHA MEDITECH, researchers with various experiences from general cosmetics to functional cosmetics take direct responsibilities of entire process of cosmetics production from product planning, material selection, material development, type development, and to manufacturing. We manufacture excellent products of differentiated and highly effective, utilizing self-produced high purity biomaterials (Growth Factor, Peptide, Natural Extract, Stemcell Culture Media, and etc.), and provide products of consistent quality by complying cosmetics excellent management standards through acquisition of ISO 9001/ISO 22716. We are developing and manufacturing various cosmetics, including products for facial, such as skin regeneration, whitening, and wrinkle improvement, as well as body and hair, using growth factors, which provides vital energy to damaged and aged skin cell to regain its original functions. We are also continuing research on how to have active ingredients be more absorbed well to skin. We provide various types of basic and functional cosmetics, including Delivery system that delivers active ingredients deeply under the skin based on self-developed liposome technique (CHA-PEPTOSOME™). CHA MEDITECH is leading its way to differentiation through continuous challenge s a global cosmetics manufacturer that provides the best products with customized R&D and stable quality control.
Self-developed materials, Retaining various types, Self-manufacturing facilities, MESO Aesthetic Solution,an aseptic process, LIPOSOME technology Self-developed materials, Retaining various types, Self-manufacturing facilities, MESO Aesthetic Solution,an aseptic process, LIPOSOME technology

  • Research team with extensive experiences in ordinary and functional cosmetics
  • Plan the entire processes of cosmetics manufacturing (product planning, material selection, material development, product form development and manufacturing)
  • Utilize in-house research on and manufacturing of highly priced concept raw materials (growth factors, peptides, natural extracts and stem cell culture medium, etc.)
  • Hold liposome technology (CHA-PEPTOSOME™) we developed independently
  • Supply aseptic Meso Aesthetic Solution with no preservative through aseptic processes